All sellers of our platform use well known and proven methods of order delivery:
- FedEx
shipping carriers depending on the destination and products that were ordered.
We recommend choosing 2nd Day or Overnight service for perishable items that require a certain temperature while in transit.
International packages are sent with USPS only.
Please be careful when entering shipping address.
Sellers don’t take responsibility for incorrect or incomplete addresses.
When received, please check if the package is intact. If it is damaged, please take pictures and send them to the shipping carrier for further investigation.
All claims regarding your order must be submitted via e-mail within 24 hours upon receiving the package.
We try to do our best to assure delivery on time; however, we don’t take responsibility for shipping carrier delays due to weather conditions or extraordinary circumstances.
You may check the status of an order in your account on the website. Depending on the shipping service, the tracking number might not be available within 24 hours.
You will receive e-mail notifications when the order is placed, and when it is shipped out.